Anna Shipman : Speaking

Conference talks & podcasts

Refactoring podcast: Good tech strategy bad tech strategy

21st June 2024 Refactoring podcast

I joined Luca Rossi on his podcast to talk about strategy, leadership and my own journey in tech. Write up.

Managing Managers podcast: Splitting time and tech strategy

11th May 2024 Managing Managers podcast

I joined Pat Kua on his podcast to talk about strategy vs tactics, how to manage your time as an engineering leader and about my role at Kooth. Write up.

Analysing, Deciding, Doing: How to develop and execute an effective strategy

28th June 2023 Turing Fest

Tools, techniques and actionable advice to help you create and deliver an effective strategy. Slides and video in my write up.

Keynote Fireside Chat: Strategic Technology Leadership

24th May 2023 CTO Craft Con

A fireside chat with Emma Hopkinson-Spark about building and executing strategy. You can watch the video and read a write-up.

Software Architecture Hour: Technical Strategy with Anna Shipman

4th May 2023 Software Architecture Hour with Neal Ford

A discussion with Neal Ford on technical strategy; what it is, how to create it and how to get buy-in. Watch here if you have an O'Reilly account.

The difficult teenage years: setting your tech strategy after the launch

10th June 2022 LeadingEng London

How to create a strategy, with examples from how we created the tech strategy after the launch, delivered at LeadingEng London. Slides are in my write-up and video is on Vimeo.

No Next Next: Fighting Entropy in Your Microservices Architecture

17th May 2022 QCon Plus

QConPlus is an online conference with the same talks as QCon. How to avoid entropy in your microservices architecture. Slides and video are in my QCon write-up.

No Next Next: Fighting Entropy in Your Microservices Architecture

6th April 2022 QCon London

How to avoid entropy in your microservices architecture, delivered at QCon London. Slides and video are in my write-up.

The good, the bad and the tech strategy

15th February 2022 LeadDev Together

What strategy is, what good strategy looks like and what a good tech strategy is at LeadDev Together. Slides are in my write-up.

Creating, defining and refining an effective tech strategy

21st January 2021 LeadDev Live

I faciliated a panel on tech strategy at LeadDev Live. I've done a write up, with a link to the video.

How Durable Teams Take You Further, Faster

2nd December 2020 Keynote: CTO Craft Conf

I gave a keynote at CTO craft conference about why and how we moved to durable teams, and what we've learned, one year on. Video and slides are in my write-up.

Panel: The multiple faces of technical leadership

6th July 2020 Codemotion EU Meetup

A panel about technical leadership, with the excellent Omosola Odetunde and Pat Kua. I've written some notes about what we covered.

The difficult teenage years at Tech Nottingham

11th May 2020 Tech Nottingham

A replay of my tech strategy talk, followed by a live Q&A, for a remote Tech Nottingham event. I've done a brief write-up.

After the launch: the difficult teenage years

15th May 2019 Continuous Lifecycle London

How to create a technical strategy after launching a new product.

Video and slides are in my write-up.

How coding in the open can help you release faster

20th March 2018 Pipeline conference

How coding in the open can help speed up all stages of the release cycle. Delivered at Pipeline conference.

Video, slides and a great sketchnote are in my write-up.

Coding in the open in government

3rd August 2017 Turing Fest < p>What coding in the open means and its benefits to government and industry. Delivered at Turing Fest.

Video is on their site (you have to register), and slides are on SlideShare.

Open sourcing government

14 November 2016 GOTO Berlin

An introduction to coding in the open and its benefits and challenges, and what my plans are for government Open Source as Open Source Lead. Delivered at GOTO Berlin.

Video is on YouTube and slides are on SlideShare.

Operations: a developer's guide

06 November 2015 FFConf

An introduction to the web ops skills that will help you be a better developer. Delivered at FFConf.

Slides and links are posted here and video is on YouTube.

A PaaS for government

29 October 2015 Keynote: Velocity EU

I gave a keynote at VelocityEU about the work I've been leading at GDS on building a PaaS for government.

Video is on YouTube and the slides are here.

Digital infrastructure for the government

30 September 2015 UCISA

I delivered a talk at UCISA, the conference for the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association about the work I've been leading on investigating a PaaS for government. There is a video which you can find on this page (you may have to register).

Delivering GOV.UK: DevOps for the nation

04 March 2015 QCon London

My QCon talk on how we do DevOps on GOV.UK. Video is here, and the slides are on Slideshare There is also a nice write-up of it on the InfoQ site. It was listed as one of the top 5 presentations (edit: sadly link is now dead) from the event.

Infrastructure as Code in Government

16 September 2014 Velocity NY

A talk about how we do infrastructure as code on GOV.UK and my work on vCloud Tools, our open-source tools for automating provisioning. Video is here and slides are on Slideshare.

Automating Government

06 June 2014 Scotch on the Rocks

I gave a talk at the delightful Scotch on the Rocks in Edinburgh (sadly, no longer running) on my work on vCloud Tools – what we built, how we built it, some hard problems we faced and some tips on how to automate your own infrastructure. Slides are here.

Craftsman Softwareship

12 November 2013 Ignite London

I gave an Ignite talk based on my roof bug-fixing blog post.

Watch it.

Growing Fast Within Government

1 May 2013 Edinburgh BCS

Talk about GDS at the Edinburgh BCS. Slides.

Growing Fast Within Government

13 October 2012 Keynote: XPDay

Keynote about GDS at XPDay 2012. Slides.

Data Visualisations in JavaScript

03 July 2012, 1a2 Nov 2012 SPA, MiniSPA

A workshop showing how to create three different kinds of visualisations in three different JavaScript visualisation libraries. I delivered this at SPA 2012. It received very high feedback scores and I was invited to deliver it again at miniSPA (the six top sessions from SPA) 2012.

Slides, Code.

When Agile Might Not Be The Best Solution

07 December 2009 XPDay

A talk outlining some contraindications for Agile adoption. I delivered this in 2009 at XPDay, one of the main pro-Agile conferences, and it was very popular!

Strategic technology leader. CTO at Kooth, a company specialising in digital mental health. Previously Technical Director at the Financial Times, Technical Architect at the Government Digital Service.

I speak at conferences and write about strategy and tech leadership on my blog, JFDI.

LinkedIn, GitHub, my mailing list.